Friday, July 3, 2020

How Women Have Revealed Resistance In Different Scenarios - 825 Words

Explain How Women Have Revealed Resistance In Different Scenarios (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name:Instructor:Course:Date:Examples of Resistance in the Context of WomenIntroductionA particular person or group of people can decide to decline to comply with already set rules. In such case, one counterattacks an action from taking place, which can either be through resistance or arguments depending on what he/she wants to achieve. Women, among the general population, have suffered significantly since the early centuries. Therefore, they are forced to put more resistance to ensure that they achieve personal autonomy, political power, and economic opportunities. Nevertheless, women have contributed considerably in developing the society. Though, it was out of struggle that most of them achieved impressively in ensuring that the world recognizes their competence and potentials. Although many women resisted in different ways during the past, their sacrifice and commitment did lot of good to America as a nation and the world.Various Forms of ResistanceAgainst Job Disc riminationFirst, women resisted against job discrimination. Irrespective of being in the same working environment as men, women received low salaries, poor employment, and experienced workplace inequality; therefore, they had to apply a subtle form of resistance (Brownmiller 10). In such cases, they refused to attend to their respective working positions, failed to deliver as per the expected standards, they did not follow instructions, and resorted to arriving at work late. It was apparent that men needed the womens skills at their workplaces, but due to the belief that women and men should be work in the same environment, they had to take control of all activities. Meanwhile, women tried to make their presence felt by men in workplaces; consequently, they joined institutions that could offer them the knowledge and expertise to compete for same positions as their counterparts (Randal Women of Color17). Even though women were denied the right to own property, express their ideas, an d determine their destinies freely, they were needed because they played an integral part of the family unit. Women were significantly required in any society because of their genuine and caring virtues, but men failed to admit the important role the women played (Brownmiller 24). Therefore, women had to act to make the men understand that they existed for a purpose; consequently, resistance was a primary form of expressing their desires.Against Intimidation and Degradation of MoralsThe other type of resistance from women was against intimidation and degradation of morals. In some instances, most women were regarded to as mere objects, and no one honored their dignity. The Miss America demonstration is one of the events that they used to resist actively (Brownmiller 22). A majority of them felt that they had to engage in active protest because they believed no one was concerned about their grievances. They had to face the society and have the men understand their desires. Among thos e who significantly advocated for the Americans women rights were Jackie Kennedy, Go-Go dancers in the cage, and Perky TV teens (Douglas 145). Also, these women used the opportunity to advance their ambitions to join colleges that would help them acquire more information on self-restoration (Douglas 151). A majority of women never had the option of being educated; consequently, the few that succeeded to enroll in colleges always used that chance to gain more knowledge to fight for womens rights.Against Indiscriminate Voting and Elective RightsWomen also resisted against violation of their rights to vote as well as have one of their own elected to represent them; thus, women needed to be a part of the government (Randal Women of Color 29). In contrast, men realized that if they allowed women to run for elective seats, then it would have resulted in more competition and would have led to a risk of losing the elections. A majority of women understood that the men always loathed being r uled by women; consequently, the men decided to deny them such rights (Dougla...

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Colleges Where Grads Earn High Salaries

Think you need a grad degree to rake in the big bucks? Not if you’re lucky enough to land a job after graduating from one of the schools on the list below! A recent Forbes article pooled data from a survey released by  NerdScholar. Note: The list here only includes schools that released their salary data to NerdScholar. This is why schools like Yale, Harvard, and Brown are missing from the list. Also, to put things in perspective, there are more than 4,500 degree-granting colleges in the U.S., and NerdScholar only received data for 184 schools within 57 different institutions. For those schools that didn’t provide salary info, NerdScholar still tracks their graduates using other data – for example, what percent of the class is employed, what percent goes on to grad school, and what sorts of careers students are choosing. You can use this tool (here) to compare these sorts of stats at different programs. It’s a lot of fun to sift and compare results, and NerdScholar argues that this school-provided data is more reliable than the self-reported data presented by the students to salary sites like PayScale. See the Forbes article for the full list of 50 schools, as well as an explanation on the methodology used in this ranking. ~ Helping You Write Your Best