Thursday, October 10, 2019

Assessment criteria in the standards Essay

1. Define person-centred values (1.1.1) Person-centred values include: Treating people as individuals for example give the resident choice what they want to wear, to eat, where they want to be, if they want go shopping. Taking account choices, wishes and desires. Supporting people to access their rights by giving them information about choices that they have, and helping them to understand. Supporting people to exercise choice in every day live activity Treating people with dignity and respect in there decisions by involving as few staff member as possible during the personal hygiene, closing the doors and curtains, knocking on the door. Recognising that working with people is a partnership rather than a relationship controlled by professionals 2. Explain why it is important to work in a way that embeds person centred values (1.1.2) see more:explain factors that contribute to the wellbeing of an individual It is important to work in these ways, to meet the needs of the individual to improve self esteem and confidence. To provide the best possible quality care service by treating people as individual and respecting there choices. To ensure a good quality of life of the individual so they can feel like in there own homes, and take part or not in a activity, treat the individual as you would want to be treated 3. Describe how to find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual (2.2.1) Sources of information to find out the wishes and needs of an individual include asking: – the individual – family – friends – other carers – other professionals i.e. GP, social worker, nurse – referring to documents i.e. care plans, reports and other records. 4. Describe how to take into account the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual when planning care and support (2.2.2) When planning care and support we must appeal to documents i.e. care plans, reports and other records, involve person asking them, for example giving them choices about all aspects in there live eg: asking person hot or cold drinks, tea or coffee, ask every time. Also I can involve family and friends in decisions if needed, or take decision in the best interest of the individual. People wishes and choices may change so carers should be aware of that. 5. Explain how using an individual’s care plan contributes to working in a person-centred way (1.1.4) A Care Plan may be known by other names (e.g.: support plan, individual plan). It is the document where are detailed day to day requirements and preferences for care and support. It must included: Health, employment, education, social, religious and cultural. Using a individuals care plan means that I working towards the individuals choices and wishes because individuals should be involved in planning of there own care plan. 6. Define the term ‘consent’ (3.3.1) Consent is agreement to an action i.e. in social care agreeing to a bath or a shower, to medication, agreement to have details shared with others. 7. Explain the importance of gaining consent when providing care or support (3.3.2) It is important to gain consent so the person will feel comfortable and happy about the activity. If I gain the consent the individual will be more likely to co operate. Without consent the person may become distress and upset and this could provide dangerous situation when they can harm themselves or others Lack of consent could be construed as abuse i.e. forcing an individual to have a shower when they have not agreed. 8. Describe how to establish consent for an activity or action (3.3.3) Consent can be in different forms and includes: Verbal consent. This should involve the individual and language used mast be simple and recognisable by the individual. Communication should by checked be repeating the question. Any physical disease should be taken into account eg: deafness, vision problem. Written consent. The individual mast understand what are they signing for. Consent via a representative or advocate. 9. Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established (3.3.3) Steps to take when consent cannot be established include: Not continuing with the task. Ask individual about the reason they not consenting. Find out if there is that can be solved straight away e.g. Person may not be ready, he may ask for another 5 minutes. Reporting to the supervisor or manager if the problem cannot be solved immediately. Recording the information in the daily care plan 10. Define what is meant by active participation (4.4.1) Active participation is a way of working that recognises an individual’s right to participate in the activities and relationships of everyday life as independently as possible; the individual is regarded as an active partner in their own care or support, rather than a passive recipient 11. Describe how active participation benefits an individual (4.4.1) Benefits include: Sense of well-being for the individual means that the person feel good about themselves. Sense of purpose on every day live. They can enjoy life Engagement in daily activity which give the person a sense of achievement an stimulation which can be physical and mental 12. Identify possible barriers  to active participation and describe ways of reducing them (4.4.2) †¢ Barriers include: †¢ issues over physical access †¢ lack of information in accessible formats †¢ emotional barriers such as lack of confidence †¢ professional support staff taking over †¢ family carers who find it hard to let go 13. Describe ways of encouraging active participation (4.4.4) Ways of encouraging participation include: – discussion and encouragement with the individual – providing useful information – using friends and family to encourage – ensuring appropriate activities – peer-group encouragement – persuasion techniques – highlighting the benefits of the activity 14. Identify ways of supporting an individual to make informed choices (5.5.1) Ways of supporting an individual to make informed choices include: – discussion with the individual or advocate – providing relevant information which is accessible and understandable e.g. It should be in a language that is understandable to that person. If the person that cannot read I may use pictures instead – guidance from friends or family – using an advocate or support service 15. Explain why risk taking can be part of an individual’s choices (5.5.2) Risk-taking means being aware of the potential hazards but still carrying on with the activity. I can reduce the risk so that person choice could by meet. For example when individual want make a cup of tea I will let him to take a cup, put a tea bag in cup, but I will fill the cup with hot water. 16. Explain how agreed risk assessment processes are used to support the right to make choices (5.5.2) Risk Assessment Processes include: Risk assessing in activity so that the potential risk can be identified, in this way we can look to reduce the risk. The person can make a choice about activity. In this way the person views and opinions are respected. All risk assessment should be recorded and reviewed 17. Explain why a worker’s personal views should not influence an individual’s choices (5.5.3) Personal views should not influence an individual’s choices because choices that other people make are not ours choices. Everyone needs to be able to make their own choice. 18. Describe how to support an individual to question or challenge decisions concerning them that are made by others (5.5.4) Support an individual to question or challenge decisions includes: Encourage questions and comments from the individual, making sure that they understand Give the individual time to speak and be prepared to listen what they want to say Assist the individual to ask for a second opinion, from somebody who can have more experience, information and advice(sign posting) Speak/refer the individual to a senior member of staff to discuss issues and way to solving them. If is necessary use the complaints procedure. 19. Explain how individual identity and self-esteem are linked with wellbeing (6.6.1) Individual identity is about who I am, my experiences, my beliefs, culture, religion. Self esteem is filing good about myself, being happy and content, having confidence. This two are linked to well being, because well being is about being happy with yourself and your life. 20. Describe attitudes and approaches that are likely to promote an individual’s wellbeing (6.6.2) Attitudes and approaches that are likely to promote an individual’s well-being include: Being treated as an individual so your choices are respected and acknowledged like some of the people don’t eat meat and we have to give them other choice which does not include meat. So it is treating people witch dignity and respect giving them choices. Good communication is needed so everybody understood each other. 21. Identify ways to contribute to an environment that promotes wellbeing (6.6.2) I have to be sure that environment is not to hot or not too cold. If it is too hot I can put a fan on. If it is too noisy I will look at ways to reduce the level of noise. If the individual does not like other person I will put him next to that person. They may be people that really like each other and I will encourage this friendship. Furnishing and decoration can be involved in a person wellbeing. I would ask the person what kind of decoration they like. I will make sure that chairs, bed are comfortable and what the person want. Once you have completed, your Learning Advisor will be able to cross reference the knowledge into UNIT 4222-207 of the diploma (EXCEPT 1.1.3)

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